The Homo Integralis Lab
Observers as sensory information integrators
Our lab is based at the School of Psychology at the University of Sydney. We investigate the brain with a focus on Perception and the underlying processes and neural substrates, etc.
Sensory Research
Our team focus on research in visual perception and sensory integration of sight, sound, touch, and cognitive processing.
By Type
By Year
By Type
By Year
- Verstraten, F. (2011). De wereld van onze Psyche. Netherlands: Home Academy.
- Verstraten, F. (2006). Psychologie in een Notendop. Amsterdam: Prometheus Books.
Edited Books
- Wijnen, F., Verstraten, F. (2001). Het brein te kijk: verkenning van de cognitieve neurowetenschappen. Amsterdam: Harcourt Education.
Book Chapters
- Verstraten, F. (2012). De wil en wetenschappelijke vooruitgang. In Peters, M. (Eds.), Zijn wij ons brein?, (pp. 35-41). Utrecht: Studium Generale.
- Verstraten, F., Kleber, R. (2012). Psychonomie en Cultuur: Verschillen in cognitieve Processen? In Jeroen Knipscheer and Rolf Kleber (Eds.), Psychologie en de multiculturele samenleving, (pp. 44-65). Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam.
- Wijnen, F., Verstraten, F. (2008). Cognitieve neurowetenschap. Een begripsbepaling en een kleine historie. In Frank Wines & Frans Verstraten (Eds.), Het brein te kijk: verkenning van de cognitieve neurowetenschappen. Amsterdam: Harcourt Education.
- Davidson, M., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2024). Walking entrains unique oscillations in performance on a visual detection task. Nature Communications. [More Information]
- Davidson, M., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2024). Walking modulates visual detection performance according to stride cycle phase. Nature Communications, 15(1). [More Information]
- Davidson, M., Keys, R., Szekely, B., MacNeilage, P., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2023). Continuous peripersonal tracking accuracy is limited by the speed and phase of locomotion. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 14864. [More Information]
- Davidson, M., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2024). Walking entrains unique oscillations in performance on a visual detection task. Nature Communications. [More Information]
- Davidson, M., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2024). Walking modulates visual detection performance according to stride cycle phase. Nature Communications, 15(1). [More Information]
- Davidson, M., Keys, R., Szekely, B., MacNeilage, P., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2023). Continuous peripersonal tracking accuracy is limited by the speed and phase of locomotion. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 14864. [More Information]
- Verstraten, F., Thompson, P., Meese, T. (2022). 50 Years of Perception. Perception, 51(3), 153-155. [More Information]
- De Vries, J., Verstraten, F., Hooge, I., Fabius, J., Van der Stigchel, S. (2021). Inhibition of return in the oculomotor decision process: Dissociating visual target discrimination from saccade readiness delays. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(1), 140-160. [More Information]
- Rodrigues, R., Verstraten, F. (2021). Should we Discuss Possible Implications of Our Research? Perception, 50(10), 839-841. [More Information]
- Alais, D., Keys, R., Verstraten, F., Paffen, C. (2021). Vestibular and active self-motion signals drive visual perception in binocular rivalry. iScience, 24(12), 103417-1-103417-16. [More Information]
- Han, S., Alais, D., MacDougall, H., Verstraten, F. (2020). Brief localised monocular deprivation in adults alters binocular rivalry predominance retinotopically and reduces spatial inhibition. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 18739. [More Information]
- Maarseveen, J., Paffen, C., Verstraten, F., Hogendoorn, H. (2019). The duration aftereffect does not reflect adaptation to perceived duration. PloS One, 14(3), 1-11. [More Information]
- Verde, L., Alais, D., Burr, D., Morrone, M., MacDougall, H., Verstraten, F. (2019). Time dilation effect in an active observer and virtual environment requires apparent motion: No dilation for retinal- or world-motion alone. Journal of Vision, 19(3), 1-8. [More Information]
- Maarseveen, J., Hogendoorn, H., Verstraten, F., Paffen, C. (2018). Attention gates the selective encoding of duration. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1-8. [More Information]
- De Vries, J., Van der Stigchel, S., Hooge, I., Verstraten, F. (2018). The Lifetime of Salience Extends Beyond the Initial Saccade. Perception, 47(2), 125-142. [More Information]
- Maarseveen, J., Hogendoorn, H., Verstraten, F., Paffen, C. (2017). An investigation of the spatial selectivity of the duration after-effect. Vision Research, 130, 67-75. [More Information]
- Maarseveen, J., Paffen, C., Verstraten, F., Hogendoorn, H. (2017). Representing dynamic stimulus information during occlusion. Vision Research, 138, 40-49. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Alais, D., MacDougall, H., Verstraten, F. (2017). Velocity perception in a moving observer. Vision Research, 138, 12-17. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Verstraten, F., MacDougall, H., Alais, D. (2017). Vestibular signals of self-motion modulate global motion perception. Vision Research, 130, 22-30. [More Information]
- Taubert, J., Van Golde, C., Verstraten, F. (2017). Who is the Usual Suspect? Evidence of a Selection Bias Toward Faces That Make Direct Eye Contact in a Lineup Task. i-Perception, 8(1), 1-15. [More Information]
- Menzies, R., Rogers, S., Phillips, A., Chiarovano, E., de Waele, C., Verstraten, F., MacDougall, H. (2016). An objective measure for the visual fidelity of virtual reality and the risks of falls in a virtual environment. Virtual Reality, 20(3), 173-181. [More Information]
- Taubert, J., Van Golde, C., Verstraten, F. (2016). Faces in Context: Does Face Perception Depend on the Orientation of the Visual Scene? Perception, 45(10), 1184-1192. [More Information]
- Holten, V., Stuit, S., Verstraten, F., van der Smagt, M. (2016). Grouping of optic flow stimuli during binocular rivalry is driven by monocular information. Vision Research, 127, 84-91. [More Information]
- Holten, V., van der Smagt, M., Verstraten, F., Donker, S. (2016). Interaction effects of visual stimulus speed and contrast on postural sway. Experimental Brain Research, 234(1), 113-124. [More Information]
- de Jong, M., Hendriks, R., Vansteense, M., Raemaekers, M., Verstraten, F., Ramsey, N., Erkelens, C., Leijten, F., Van Ee, R. (2016). Intracranial Recordings of Occipital Cortex Responses to Illusory Visual Events. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(23), 6297-6311. [More Information]
- de Vries, J., Van der Stigchel, S., Hooge, I., Verstraten, F. (2016). Revisiting the global effect and inhibition of return. Experimental Brain Research, 234(10), 2999-3009. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Kammers, M., Haggard, P., Verstraten, F. (2015). Self-touch modulates the somatosensory evoked P100. Experimental Brain Research, 233, 2845-2858. [More Information]
- Verstraten, F., Niehorster, D., van de Grind, W., Wade, N. (2015). Sigmund Exner’s (1887) Einige Beobachtungen u¨ber Bewegungsnachbilder (Some Observations on Movement Aftereffects): An Illustrated Translation With Commentary. i-Perception, 6(5), 1-18. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Verstraten, F., Cavanagh, P. (2015). Strikingly rapid neural basis of motion-induced position shifts revealed by high temporal-resolution EEG pattern classification. Vision Research, 113, 1-10. [More Information]
- Holten, V., Donker, S., Stuit, S., Verstraten, F., van der Smagt, M. (2015). Visual directional anisotropy does not mirror the directional anisotropy apparent in postural sway. Perception, 44, 477-489. [More Information]
- Holten, V., van der Smagt, M., Donker, S., Verstraten, F. (2014). Illusory motion of the motion aftereffect induces postural sway. Psychological Science, 25(9), 1831-1834. [More Information]
- Stuit, S., Paffen, C., van der Smagt, M., Verstraten, F. (2014). Image-based grouping during binocular rivalry is dictated by eye-of-origin. PloS One, 9(7), 1-12. [More Information]
- de Jong, M., Brascamp, J., Kemner, C., van Ee, R., Verstraten, F. (2014). Implicit perceptual memory modulates early visual processing of ambiguous images. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(30), 9970-9981. [More Information]
- de Vries, J., Hooge, I., Verstraten, F. (2014). Saccades toward the target are planned as sequences rather than as single steps. Psychological Science, 25(1), 215-223. [More Information]
- de Vries, J., Hooge, I., Wertheim, A., Verstraten, F. (2013). Background, an important factor in visual search. Vision Research, 86, 128-138. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Verstraten, F. (2013). Decoding the motion aftereffect in human visual cortex. NeuroImage, 82, 426-432. [More Information]
- Holten, V., Donker, S., Verstraten, F., van der Smagt, M. (2013). Decreasing perceived optic flow rigidity increases postural sway. Experimental Brain Research, 228, 117-129. [More Information]
- Verstraten, F. (2012). Faces of neuroscience. i-Perception, 3, 356-356. [More Information]
- Borra, T., Hooge, I., Verstraten, F. (2012). Orientation Perception of Occluded Objects Is Based on Perceptually Completed Objects. Psychological Science, 23(11), 1303-1305. [More Information]
- de Vries, J., Hooge, I., Wiering, M., Verstraten, F. (2011). How Longer Saccade Latencies Lead to a Competition for Salience. Psychological Science, 22(7), 916-923. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Carlson, T., Verstraten, F. (2011). Mapping the route to visual awareness. Journal of Vision, 11(13), 1-10. [More Information]
- Naber, M., Carlson, T., Verstraten, F., Einhauser, W. (2011). Perceptual benefits of objecthood. Journal of Vision, 11(4), 1-9. [More Information]
- de Vries, J., Hooge, I., Wiering, M., Verstraten, F. (2011). Saccadic selection and crowding in visual search: stronger lateral masking leads to shorter search times. Experimental Brain Research, 211(1), 119-131. [More Information]
- Carlson, T., Hogendoorn, H., Fonteijn, H., Verstraten, F. (2011). Spatial coding and invariance in object-selective cortex. Cortex, 47(1), 14-22. [More Information]
- Stuit, S., Paffen, C., van der Smagt, M., Verstraten, F. (2011). Suppressed images selectively affect the dominant percept during binocular rivalry. Journal of Vision, 11(10), 1-11. [More Information]
- Stuit, S., Paffen, C., van der Smagt, M., Verstraten, F. (2011). What is grouping during binocular rivalry? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5(October 2011), 1-9. [More Information]
- Borra, T., Hooge, I., Verstraten, F. (2010). A dichoptic study of the oblique effect. Perception, 39(7), 909-917. [More Information]
- van der Smagt, M., Verstraten, F., Paffen, C. (2010). Center-surround effects on perceived speed. Vision Research, 50(18), 1900-1904. [More Information]
- Koenderink, J., Albertazzi, L., Van Doorn, A., van Ee, R., van de Grind, W., Kappers, A., Lappin, J., Norman, J., Oomes, A., te Pas, S., et al (2010). Does monocular visual space contain planes? Acta Psychologica, 134(1), 40-47. [More Information]
- Carlson, T., Alvarez, G., Wu, D., Verstraten, F. (2010). Rapid Assimilation of External Objects Into the Body Schema. Psychological Science, 21(7), 1000-1005. [More Information]
- Stuit, S., Verstraten, F., Paffen, C. (2010). Saliency in a suppressed image affects the spatial origin of perceptual alternations during binocular rivalry. Vision Research, 50(19), 1913-1921. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Verstraten, F., Johnston, A. (2010). Spatially localized time shifts of the perceptual stream. Frontiers in Psychology, 1, 1-8. [More Information]
- Groen, M., Noyes, J., Verstraten, F. (2010). The Effect of Substituting Discourse Markers on Their Role in Dialogue. Discourse Processes, 47(5), 388-420. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Carlson, T., VanRullen, R., Verstraten, F. (2010). Timing divided attention. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 72(8), 2059-2068. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Kammers, M., Carlson, T., Verstraten, F. (2009). Being in the dark about your hand: Resolution of visual-proprioceptive conflict by disowning visible limbs. Neuropsychologia, 43(13), 2698-2703. [More Information]
- Kanai, R., Carlson, T., Verstraten, F., Walsh, V. (2009). Perceived timing of new objects and feature changes. Journal of Vision, 9(7), 1-13. [More Information]
- Benjamins, J., Hooge, I., van ELst, J., Wertheim, A., Verstraten, F. (2009). Search time critically depends on irrelevant subset size in visual search. Vision Research, 49(3), 398-406. [More Information]
- Grol, M., Toni, I., Lock, M., Verstraten, F. (2009). Spatial representation of overlearned arbitrary visuomotor associations. Experimental Brain Research, 192(4), 751-759. [More Information]
- Naber, M., Carter, O., Verstraten, F. (2009). Suppression wave dynamics: Visual field anisotropies and inducer strength. Vision Research, 49(14), 1805-1813. [More Information]
- Rijpkema, M., van Aalderen, S., Schwarzbach, J., Verstraten, F. (2008). Activation Patterns in visual cortex reveal receptive field size dependent attentional modulation. Brain Research, 1189 (1), 90-96. [More Information]
- Paffen, C., Verstraten, F., Vidnyanszky, Z. (2008). Attention-based perceptual learning increases binocular rivalry suppression of irrelevant visual features. Journal of Vision, 8(4), 1-11. [More Information]
- Paffen, C., Verstraten, F. (2008). Binocular Rivalry and the Influence of Visual Context. Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 64(1), 2-7.
- Fonteijn, H., Norris, D., Verstraten, F. (2008). Exploring the Anatomical Basis of Effective Connectivity Models with DTI-Based Fiber Tractography. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2008 (1), 1-9. [More Information]
- Verstraten, F., De Gelder, B. (2008). Het brein en visueel waarnemen. Het brein te kijk: Verkenning van de cognitieve neurowetenschappen.
- Hogendoorn, H., Carlson, T., Verstraten, F. (2008). Interpolation and extrapolation on the path of apparent motion. Vision Research, 48(7), 872-881. [More Information]
- Benjamins, J., van der Smagt, M., Verstraten, F. (2008). Matching auditory and visual signals: Is sensory modality just another feature. Perception, 37(6), 848-858. [More Information]
- Paffen, C., Naber, M., Verstraten, F. (2008). The Spatial Origin of a Perceptual Transition in Binocular Rivalry. PloS One, 3(6), 1-6. [More Information]
- Rijpkema, M., van Aalderen, S., Schwarzbach, J., Verstraten, F. (2007). Beyond the forest and the trees: Local and global interference in hierarchical visual stimuli containing three levels. Perception, 36(8), 1115-1122. [More Information]
- Benjamins, J., Hooge, I., van der Smagt, M., Verstraten, F. (2007). Disengaging attention sets temporal limit of attentive tacking. Vision Research, 47(8), 1055-1059. [More Information]
- Kanai, R., Knapen, T., van Ee, R., Verstraten, F. (2007). Disruption of implicit perceptual memory by intervening neutral stimuli. Vision Research, 47(20), 2675-2683. [More Information]
- Kanai, R., Sheth, B., Verstraten, F., Shimojo, S. (2007). Dynamic Perceptual Changes in Audiovisual Simultaneity. PloS One, 2(12), 1-8. [More Information]
- Verstraten, F. (2007). Making sense of the senses: Review of George Mather’s ‘Foundations of perception’. Perception, 36, 317-318.
- Carlson, T., Rauschenberger, R., Verstraten, F. (2007). No Representation without Awareness in the Lateral Occipital Cortex. Psychological Science, 18(4), 298-302. [More Information]
- Grol, M., Majdandzic, J., Stephan, K., Verhagen, L., Dijkerman, C., Bekkering, H., Verstraten, F., Toni, I. (2007). Parieto-Frontal Connectivity during Visually Guided Grasping. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(44), 11877-11887. [More Information]
- Fonteijn, H., Verstraten, F., Norris, D. (2007). Probabilistic Inference on Q-ball Imaging Data. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(11), 1515-1524. [More Information]
- Verstraten, F. (2007). Stemzenders. De Psycholoog, 42, 167-168.
- Verstraten, F., van den Bos, K. (2007). Teaching will make the difference and fill the gaps. Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 63, 71-72.
- Benjamins, J., Hogendoorn, H., Hooge, I., Verstraten, F. (2007). Temporal properties of task-irrelevant events: attentional capture is not purely bottom-up. Journal of Vision, 7(9), Article number 1082. [More Information]
- Hogendoorn, H., Carlson, T., Verstraten, F. (2007). The time course of attentive tracking. Journal of Vision, 7(14), 1-10. [More Information]
- Borra, T., Hooge, I., Verstraten, F. (2007). The use of optimal object information in fronto-parallel orientation discrimination. Vision Research, 47(26), 3307-3314. [More Information]
- Paffen, C., Alais, D., Verstraten, F. (2006). Attention speeds binocular rivalry. Psychological Science, 17(9), 752-756. [More Information]
- Kanai, R., Wu, D., Verstraten, F., Shimojo, S. (2006). Discrete color filling beyond luminance gaps along perceptual surfaces. Journal of Vision, 6(12), 1-16. [More Information]
- Kanai, R., Tsuchiya, N., Verstraten, F. (2006). The Scope and Limits of Top-Down Attention in Unconcious Visual Processing. Current Biology, 16(23), 2332-2336. [More Information]
- Carlson, T., Hogendoorn, H., Verstraten, F. (2006). The speed of visual attention: What time is it? Journal of Vision, 6(12), 1406-1411. [More Information]
- Paffen, C., Alais, D., Verstraten, F. (2005). Center-surround inhibition deepens binocular rivalry suppression. Vision Research, 45(20), 2642-2649. [More Information]
- Alais, D., Verstraten, F., Burr, D. (2005). The motion aftereffect of transparent motion: Two temporal channels account for perceived direction. Vision Research, 45(4), 403-412. [More Information]
Edited Journals
- Wagemans, J., Verstraten, F., He, S. (2001). Beyond the decade of the brain: towards a functional neuroanatomy of the mind. Acta Psychologica, 107(1-3), 1-7.
- Theresa, P., Kurt, A., Li,, G., Verstraten, F., Brewster,, S., Mcgill,, M. (2022). Can Visual Motion Presented in a VR Headset Reduce Motion Sickness for Vehicle Passengers? Adjunct Proceedings – 14th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI 2022, : Springer Verlag.
- George-Williams, S., Chiarovano, E., MacDougall, H., Rutledge, P., Pullen, R., Schmid, S., Verstraten, F. (2019). Investigating the use of Virtual Reality in teaching Chemistry to undergraduate students. The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME 2019), Brisbane: The University of Queensland.
- Giorgolo, G., Verstraten, F. (2008). Perception of ‘Speech-and-Gesture’ Integration. International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP), Australia: ANSP.
- Theresa, P., Kurt, A., Li,, G., Verstraten, F., Brewster,, S., Mcgill,, M. (2022). Can Visual Motion Presented in a VR Headset Reduce Motion Sickness for Vehicle Passengers? Adjunct Proceedings – 14th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI 2022, : Springer Verlag.
- George-Williams, S., Chiarovano, E., MacDougall, H., Rutledge, P., Pullen, R., Schmid, S., Verstraten, F. (2019). Investigating the use of Virtual Reality in teaching Chemistry to undergraduate students. The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME 2019), Brisbane: The University of Queensland.
- Giorgolo, G., Verstraten, F. (2008). Perception of ‘Speech-and-Gesture’ Integration. International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP), Australia: ANSP.
- Paffen, C., Alais, D., Verstraten, F. (2005). Binocular rivalry dynamics are slowed when attention is diverted. XXVIII Annual Meeting: European Conference on Visual Perception. Pion Ltd.
Recorded / Rendered
- Verstraten, F., Haring, B., Philipse, H., Wagenaar, W. (2020). Psychologie. Home Academy.
- Davidson, M., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2024). Walking entrains unique oscillations in performance on a visual detection task. Nature Communications. [More Information]
- Davidson, M., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2024). Walking modulates visual detection performance according to stride cycle phase. Nature Communications, 15(1). [More Information]
- Davidson, M., Keys, R., Szekely, B., MacNeilage, P., Verstraten, F., Alais, D. (2023). Continuous peripersonal tracking accuracy is limited by the speed and phase of locomotion. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 14864. [More Information]
- Verstraten, F., Thompson, P., Meese, T. (2022). 50 Years of Perception. Perception, 51(3), 153-155. [More Information]
- Theresa, P., Kurt, A., Li,, G., Verstraten, F., Brewster,, S., Mcgill,, M. (2022). Can Visual Motion Presented in a VR Headset Reduce Motion Sickness for Vehicle Passengers? Adjunct Proceedings – 14th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI 2022, : Springer Verlag.
- De Vries, J., Verstraten, F., Hooge, I., Fabius, J., Van der Stigchel, S. (2021). Inhibition of return in the oculomotor decision process: Dissociating visual target discrimination from saccade readiness delays. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(1), 140-160. [More Information]
- Rodrigues, R., Verstraten, F. (2021). Should we Discuss Possible Implications of Our Research? Perception, 50(10), 839-841. [More Information]
- Alais, D., Keys, R., Verstraten, F., Paffen, C. (2021). Vestibular and active self-motion signals drive visual perception in binocular rivalry. iScience, 24(12), 103417-1-103417-16. [More Information]
- Han, S., Alais, D., MacDougall, H., Verstraten, F. (2020). Brief localised monocular deprivation in adults alters binocular rivalry predominance retinotopically and reduces spatial inhibition. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 18739. [More Information]
- Verstraten, F., Haring, B., Philipse, H., Wagenaar, W. (2020). Psychologie. Home Academy.
- George-Williams, S., Chiarovano, E., MacDougall, H., Rutledge, P., Pullen, R., Schmid, S., Verstraten, F. (2019). Investigating the use of Virtual Reality in teaching Chemistry to undergraduate students. The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME 2019), Brisbane: The University of Queensland.
- Maarseveen, J., Paffen, C., Verstraten, F., Hogendoorn, H. (2019). The duration aftereffect does not reflect adaptation to perceived duration. PloS One, 14(3), 1-11. [More Information]
- Verde, L., Alais, D., Burr, D., Morrone, M., MacDougall, H., Verstraten, F. (2019). Time dilation effect in an active observer and virtual environment requires apparent motion: No dilation for retinal- or world-motion alone. Journal of Vision, 19(3), 1-8. [More Information]
- Maarseveen, J., Hogendoorn, H., Verstraten, F., Paffen, C. (2018). Attention gates the selective encoding of duration. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1-8. [More Information]
- De Vries, J., Van der Stigchel, S., Hooge, I., Verstraten, F. (2018). The Lifetime of Salience Extends Beyond the Initial Saccade. Perception, 47(2), 125-142. [More Information]
Professor Frans Verstraten
David Yu (PhD student)
Hala Abu Zahou (Phd student)
Renèll Rodrigues (PhD student)
Spike Yang (PhD student)
International colaborations
Frank Pollick (Glasgow)
Patrick Cavanagh (York, Canada)
Patrick Cavanagh(York,Canada)
Maarten van der Smagt (1999)
Ryota Kanai (2005)
Chris Paffen (2005)
Martin Groen (2005)
Bjorn Vlaskamp (2006)
Honours and Undergraduate (selection)
Eva van den Broek
Nienke van Atteveldt
Diederik Niehorster
Loes Koelewijn
Joram van Rheede
Marnix Naber
Roeland Verhallen
Anastasia Hronis
LEAD Professor
Frans Verstraten
Professor Frans Verstraten (MSc Radboud Univeristy Nijmegen 1990, PhD Utrecht University 1994) is the current McCaughey Chair of Psychology at the University of Sydney. He was the Head of School for 10 years 2013-2022). For 5 years, he was a board member of the Vision Sciences Society, world’s largest association for vision scientists (2010 till 2015), and was elected President from 2013 to 2014.
Professor Verstraten is currently interested in the processes underlying perception when observers are moving. The experiments take place in movement simulators and virtual reality environments. His team members measure psychophysical performance as well as neurophysiological performance indicators.
- Netherlands
(Utrecht University) Projects: 1. Functional role of motion adaptation 2. Temporal aspects of object representation
- United Kingdom
(University of Dundee) Historical aspects of Vision Science (professor Nick Wade)
Maarten van der Smagt
Ryota Kanai
Tokyo, Japan
Chris Paffen
Martin Groen
Bjorn Vlaskamp
School of Psychology Griffith Taylor Building (A19) The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
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